Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
School has started, dating has gone awry, I got back together with the emotionally unavailable guy, after six weeks, because he admitted some of his feelings for me, and acted like a boyfriend, and man have I enjoyed it. But tomorrow he leaving for South America for three months, maybe more. Last night we said goodbye, and it was sad and sweet. He said he was going to miss me, which is everything I wanted to hear. There were long hugs and a half-night sleep over and lots and lots of cuddling (God I hate that word) and I did cry. Well, the tears didn't start until he left, but the eyes were welling. He is the best kisser I've ever kissed; that's what got me into trouble in the first place. The first time our feet touched I swear, I felt a jolt of electricity, and when we kissed I remember thinking, Whoa! This is fucking awesome.
A little part of me is hopeful that when he gets back maybe we can do it for real, but the rational part of me knows it's a really long time from now, and we didn't make any agreement, and who knows where both of us will be in January. Or March or April, because it could be that long, too.
Today I discovered Leonard Cohen. His song,
Anthem, I love. It's too bad he wasn't a great singer because he sure was an amazing writer.