Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Canon de Colca, day one

We wake up super early to taxi super early to get the super early bus to Cabon Conde, a tiny village way out in the Andes, from which we will embark on our trek. We arrive at the terminal with one minute to spare. I tell ya, we are having us some luck.

The six-hour bus ride is twisty and bumpy, winding through the mountains on a dirt-and-rock road. The scenery, what I can see out of the tiny sliver in between the drivers' compartment curtains, is amazing. Mountains, plateaus, frozen streams, terraces, AND LLAMAS!!!!!! Sadly, most passengers prefer to keep their window shades closed, so my view was quite limited. Therefor, I spent most of the bus ride gazing at the tiny Peruvian baby sitting in her mother's lap in the seat next to me. She was in a papoose! She was tiny! She didn't make a sound the whole way! I want a Peruvian baby, too!

Finally we arrive in Cabon Conde, and I think -- WE ARE IN THE FUCKING ANDES.

We buy some extra bread and water at a market, eat lunch next to a locked park (what is it with this country), and begin to hike. Down. Down, down, down. DOWN SOME MORE.


According to Wade's GPS, we climb down three thousand feet in four hours. In case you aren't aware, THAT IS A LOT. My big toes all killing me, and Wade the medic wraps them in tape and duct tape. This makes them slippery in my shoes.

We finally arrive at the bottom of the canyon just as the light of day takes its final gasp. We sleep in somebody's front yard, out in the open. There are thousands and thousands and thousands of stars. We are asleep by eight.

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