Monday, January 30, 2006

food pyramiddle finger

Disregarding completely losanjealous's advice that I exit Trader Joes with only a bag or two, today I went crazy and bought every single junk food that appealed to me. In order to create balanced meals for the week. Because. I am healthy. To wit, a list of said purchases as compared to the food pyramind:

Starches? Check! Vanilla almond granola, sesame and ginger potato chips, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, Tasty Little Crackers honey sesame, Tasty Little Crackers 7 grain, organic corn tortilla chips, Thai vegie noodle soup dish.

Fruit? More than enough!! Kids apple juice, oranges, strawberry jelly, Trail Mix granola bars with dried cherries.

Vegies? Vegies are for pussies!

Beans / Nuts / Proteins? Hell Yeah! Maple pecan granola, chocolate covered sunflower seeds, eggs, soy milk, peanut butter with honey (genius).

Dairy? Fruity and more fruity yogurt.

Fats / Oils / Sweets / Calcium, Vitamins B12 and D? Which, by the way, the FDA recommends we eat "sparingly and supplementally?" NOTHING.

Good job self, good job.
(Although I did hide many of the above items so that Miriam won't yell at me.)

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