It’s 93 degrees in Michigan. My sister and I decide to spend the day at the pool; hoping to get rid of tan lines and look our best in our strapless bridesmaid dresses. Since I failed to pack a swimsuit, I raid my mom’s closet and come across one of her fun, skanky bikinis from the seventies. I run down to the kitchen to model my nostalgic find. My mom is making some gigantic twenty-layer taco dip and looks up at me and smiles.
“Oh, I used to love that bikini.”
She grabs a knife and starts dicing baby tomatoes.
“I lost my virginity in that bathing suit.”
She continues dicing tomatoes.
From Mindy Raf, my new favorite person.
i love her too!!! did you read the post about the bikini wax? or the recent one about "french women don't get fat"?
she is soooo funny!!!!
I'm pretty obsessed with her. Yesterday I read six months of archives. I might need to get a life.
Oh you naughty, naughty woman! I came here to find advice/sympathy etc etc for my procrastination problem, and what happens? I end up spending hours looking at Mindy's blog!!!
Yep, she's a scream!
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