Friday, November 24, 2006


My cousin / roommate Miriam is debating whether or not to drop the guy she is seeing because he refuses to kiss her. He claims he is germaphobic. We think he is just crazy.

She asked me if my life is better in any way now that I'm single, and I had to give that a long think. And then I composed a very short, very sad list:
  1. I can keep my room a complete mess.
  2. I don't feel the need to shower as often.
  3. I don't stress about packing all my clothes and work stuff to sleep over.

At first, I was thinking, gosh, the relationship must have been absolutely perfect if there weren't any little things I had to give up or if there weren't any things I didn't like doing. But then I remembered all the stuff I talked about with my mom and with Phyllis, the stuff I wasn't getting but didn't notice because I was so fucking happy. I'm not getting any of that stuff now, either, which is why it didn't come to mind, but I do realize that I want those things the next time around, and I won't settle for anything less. Because if I do settle, then I will have a lot more to add to my list.

Germaphobic, my ass. He's a boy who needs to grow up already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for not kissing your girl...none.