Friday, June 22, 2007

oral fixation


Having no work is the best ever. Last night, I drank several glassfuls of Bailey's and this morning, I enjoyed a leisurely stroll down Beverly Drive, a Jamba Juice, and a pedicure. Seriously, I love Jamba Juice. I had never really had one until I worked there in college, and then I had one every day, which kinda got old after a while, but now I like nothing better than a Protein Berry Pizzaz with no bananas sub strawberries light soy milk sub pomegranate juice (or cherry, whichever they have) on a hot day. Or a slurpee, really, both are good.

Right now I'm watching only the best children's movie ever made, Babe. My love affair with Babe started in eighth grade when my friends and I discovered a thin paperback book, Babe the Gallant Pig. We thought it was the funniest book ever. When I saw the preview for the movie, I nearly flipped out. Thank goodness they didn't butcher it all up, instead making it even cuter with the singing piglet and those mice that read the chapter headings.


Anonymous said...

adina. i had no idea how much you loved Babe!! but now i respect you that much more.

but have you seen BABE PIG IN THE CITY? because that movie is probably one of my favorites of all time, it's the perfect movie, and frankly it is more an adults movie than a kids movie.

i own it. wanna come over and watch it? it's seriously fucking flawless.

Anonymous said...

omg, OF COURSE!! Farm animal hijinks in the city! What could be better! I'm there!