Monday, January 26, 2009

the bachelor liveblog blush!

A two-on-one date sounds like the worst idea in the whole world.

Nikki needs a Valium. Who freaks out about singing? She's already on a reality TV show. Is public singing really so much crossing the line? Also: Lauryn is going home. She wrote a serious song for the song writing contest. Just stop that right now. You are on a reality TV show. You can no longer take yourself seriously.

Molly says she's really nervous about her date with Jason, but not nervous enough that she forgot to put on her crayola eyeshadow.

Watching them kiss makes me think of the very nice time I had last night in Coral Canyon. Or Solstice Canyon. Whatever it's called. It was frigid and silent and dark and we could see the twinkling lights of the shoreline down below and then later the lightening flashing over the mountains in the distance. We were leaned up against my car, wrapped in a sleeping bag blanket, talking about Flight of the Conchords and camping and oh, I don't even remember, it was so cozy and calm. Kissing goodnight in the car in front of his house was . . . awesome.

Omigod, Walt is on a chicken nuggets commercial!

Again, Molly pretends to be all nervous about doing the Walk of Shame and then churtles out a "Yoohoo" as she walks through the front door. I kind of hate her.

I also kind of hate doing this. It's hard to watch and type at the same time.

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