Hey, remember when we ate an entire lb of tomatoes in twenty minutes?
Gotta love that floordrobe!
Today my students all agreed that Chris Brown is NOT too young to be my boyfriend.
Happy obirthday
I think you have predict texting because you said you were eating a neck.
Schmuckhead is coming back in two weeks and I haven't found a boyfriend yet!
Yup, it's a floater.
I'm having this weird nostalgia for my life in Ireland, though I've never been.
Too much masturbating will make you sick to your stomach!
I, too, might be late. How great our joy.
Thanks for coming! Hope you liked it. We can talk jesus specifics on Monday.
Why yes, I'd LOVE a billy joel burnt CD, THANKS!
Today someone spilled a whole glass of water on the classroom carpet and i though i could smell your apt.
Merpy Honicmas!
We are fine, FYI, driving along in arizona. Only encountered one problem when neither of us knew how to get out of LA.
Eating eggnog in honor of xmas! Oklahoma rocks!
Nice timing on the text. I had an erection while my nephew was getting chopped.
I just bought the best deodorant you need to try it. It smells like fresh love. And all your hopes and dreams coming true.
less casino = more naked time
canada malaga rimini brindisi. NAGASAKI!
Teeth and old lady got a second rose. Brazilian dancer is out.
I forgot to put on deodorant. This doesn't seem to be the place to whip it out and apply.
That wasn't a dream. I can't resist a man in huge ugly clothes.
I love bears.
I just bought 100 books. Then the cashier asked me out.