Tuesday, May 05, 2009

sick again

Apparently five days of laryngitis wasn't enough, so now I have some cough/cold/bronchial thing and life is still miserable. I lay in bed last night for two hours trying to fall asleep but couldn't. Today I am going to skip my nap and see if that helps.

How will I pass the time?

  1. Watching "Michael Jackson: Live in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour."
  2. Seriously coveting the jackets he wears during this crotchfest.
  3. Finish mixing and choreographing my Michael Jackson routine for drill team.
  4. Wondering how I got so lucky that getting to choreograph Micheal Jackson dances is my job.
  5. Gazing at a really low-resolution photograph of Seth Meyers.
  6. Buying tons of produce at the farmers' market for ten times the price of what it costs at the Persian market. Pat self on the back for buying and eating organic and local. Wonder if it's worth it.
  7. Crying to my mom about being sick again.
  8. Hurriedly washing dishes in sink / on counter / in living room before mother arrives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor baby, being sick is the worst. At least you are blogging a little more. I miss your snarky days. What happened to the new boy???
