An imagined conversation between Moses (of Biblical fame) and
Bill Bryson, written by myself and fellow third grader teacher friend Sophie, during a workshop at last month's pointless UCLA seminar:
Moses: Have you ever been in the desert?
Bill: Oh yes - I spent two weeks in the central desert of Australia. Bloody vast. Terribly hot.
Moses: I can imagine! I and
many others spent time in the desert between Egypt and Canaan. We needed many things to survive . . . food, shelter. What did you take with yourself as you traveled?
Bill: And of course I can imagine the transportation troubles you must have had. Crossing borders in the Middle East -- not a simple feat! I always take with me a single change of clothes, basic toilet necessities, and of course, my journal. This way I only have a single knapsack to remember. What do you carry?
Moses: Middle East? This land is all I know. Is there a beginning, or End, a West? Just this land. My people brought with them their goods -- wheat, grains, fruit, valuables like gold. Oh and of course, animals like mules and camels to help carry the load. As for me, all I needed was a robe my mother made and a staff. This was
more than we could ask for. The food fell from the sky! It was wonderful!
Bill: You wore a robe while travelling? Doesn't leave a lot of pocket space for wallet, passport, camera, and such, does it? Is it a special robe from an outdoor apparel store or something? Pray tell.
Moses: It suited all needs. He was sure of that. A passport? What is this for? To pass. No, I led, but I was not permitted to pass.
Bill: I''m sorry -- I'm not certain we are talking about the same thing. Who is "He" ?
Moses: Oh vey! Another who doesn't believe! Listen, the plagues are done. Ignorance is fine, but don't object to Him.