Wednesday, July 27, 2005

four classes of dress

  1. PAJAMAS. Pajamas refers to all outfits that would be comfortable if curled up on the couch. Pajamas can include pajama pants, sweats, Loungy Pants, Yoga Pants, T shirts, comfy tanks, sweatshirts, and even shorts, if it is hot. You should never be ashamed to go to the grocery store in Pajamas. One time Abbey and I walked down Beverly Drive wearing Pajamas. It gave us such a thrill because we weren't there to "be seen," we were there because it was a few blocks away. If you do this and are then embarrassed because you run into a famous person, you shouldn't wear Pajamas out.
  2. JEANS AND A TOP. Jeans and a Top is the most versatile of all classes of dress. Jeans and a Top is not actually restricted to just denim and T shirts, rather it refers to any sort of ensemble that is not showy or dressy. Casual capri pants, tank tops, button-down shirts, and even Bermuda Shorts are considered Jeans and a Top. The beauty of Jeans and a Top is that it can be worn almost anywhere: school, the mall, the movies, grocery stores, the couch, a dive bar, most restaurants, or your friend's house party. Note: If you have major cleavage or major stomach showing, then you are not wearing Jeans and a Top, rather Slutty, even if your bottoms are denim.
  3. NICE-ISH. Nice-ish is what I had to teach in this past year and hated. Nice-ish is what my proper, Southern roommate wears all the time and loves. Nice-ish clothes are Express or Banana Republic or Ann Taylor style. Nice-ish clothes conceal all your wiggly and white bits, and can make you appear far more serious than you are. Nice-ish clothes are usually reserved for work, first - third dates, Bar Mitzvahs, and Thanksgiving dinner. Anything that needs to be drycleaned or ironed is automatically Nice-ish.
  4. SLUTTY. Slutty is what you wear when you go out to a bar or a club or a party. Slutty can be either loose or tight, dark or light, sparkly or non-sparkly. In order to be appropriately Slutty, you should reveal two of the following three areas: cleavage, stomach, legs. If you choose to show all three, then you are actually Slutty in less of a dress code way and more of a lifestyle way. You know you are wearing Slutty if you would be embarrassed to bump into your parents or grade-school teachers looking as you do.

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