Saturday, July 23, 2005

love this pt. 1

"All of my regular clothing retailers (you know, H&M, Urban Outfitters... I'm suddenly embarrassed to admit where I shop, because I feel pressured to perpetuate the myth that I, through different facets of my personality, spawned my own wardrobe—or at least that I buy my clothes in places that don't appear in every mall everywhere and and don't target people younger than me) want me to look like a gypsy this summer, or an exotic peasant, or just a regular peasant. I'm talking about the skirts everybody's peasanting it up in. Even if some of the designs on them are pretty, I have an instinctive urge to boycott these skirts. I'm tired of looking at all those tiers, and I'm annoyed that so few reasonably-priced options are being presented in the face of the gypsy onslaught."

from here

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