Monday, September 12, 2005

Fujimori 2006

Fujimori was Peru's president during the 1980s and early 1990s. He apparently did a great job stabilizing the economy, creating jobs and making sure the roads worked. Every book I read praises his political and economic policies. He was so popular that he changed the laws to run for three terms. Sadly, during his third term, his vice president was caught red handed in a fiscal crisis. Before he could be investigated further, Fujimori chose to resign. He fled to his ancestral home of Japan, where he has lived ever since.

Since then, Peru has had a series of money-grubbing presidents. Their economy sucks. The roads are in disrepair. A new presidential election is to take place soon, and Peru is filled with political propoganda. It is spray-painted on walls, homes, fences, even rocks. Candidate names and slogans can be seen in large cities and teeny towns.

Our favorite by far is the "Fujimori 2006" tags. Not only has Fujimori expressed ZERO interest in regaining the office, he is not even elligible to run, since he no longer holds citizenship.

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