Friday, October 14, 2005

can you tell me how to get...

The FIVE mishaps to Emily's bday party tonight:

  1. Get into my car, reverse out of steep driveway and hear a strange scraping sound. The sound doesn't immediately worry me, since reversing out of the driveway often produces protests from my vehicle. But as I drive down the block, the sound continues, and my car veers to the right. I get out, check the undercarriage, and notice that I have a FLAT TIRE. I return to my house.
  2. Miriam and BJ insist on dropping me off and picking me up, since they are going out to dinner anyways. We get into BJ's car, drive down to the 405, and pass her street. BJ takes a series of wrong turns around the freeway and its cul-de-sacs before finding the correct street.
  3. I forgot the post-it with the address.
  4. Call up Cathy, who is hosting the birthday party. I write down the address and apt number. We pull up to the building, and I hand over the paper to BJ for when he has to pick me up. I get to the front of the apt building and call Cathy for the security code. As soon as I step inside, I completely forget her apt number. I can't check the building directory because I don't know her last name. I can't call her again because I want to retain some semblance of dignity.
  5. I think I remember her being on the fourth floor. I get into the elevator, where a nice man presses my floor. I get off on the fourth floor, and he follows after me. I guess that Cathy's apartment is number four-oh-two, so I walk up and knock. The elevator man follows right behind me, and I get creeped out until I notice that he has his house key out and is looking at ME funny. Number four-oh-two is HIS apt. I mumble a sorryIguessthisisnttherightplacehaha and slink off towards the elevator to hide until he is locked inside.
Listening carefully, I can hear that Emily is next door, in apt four-oh-one. I recount my story to my classmates. My dignity has no chance for survival if a good story is involved.

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