Thursday, October 06, 2005

new year resolutions

  1. Watch the news. Frequently. Perhaps the mornings of the three days I do fieldwork, I make a habit of eating breakfast with the morning shows. But then again, I hate TV newscasts. Maybe change my homepage back to CNN. Or just listen to Kevin and Bean in the morning, like last year. In any case, KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD SO THAT WHEN EXPLOSIVE STORIES OCCUR, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE IN THE DARK.

  2. Eat healthy, organic-ish, less sugary meals. Roasted potatoes and onions, Arroz de la Cubana, salads with tuna, etc. That way I can also eat as much chocolate as I please.

  3. Refuse to let mountains of school work get me stressed out in the manner of crazy roommate. Rather, be super interested in the information because I CHOSE this field of study. Look at it as extensive job training.

  4. Stop fooling around with boys who put an expiration date on play.

  5. Be a FREE SPIRIT.

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