Tuesday, December 06, 2005

sleeping-in poets society

He writes:

The time has come for you to arise
From your slumber that has closed your eyes
You need to fulfill your duty
And entertain me with your words and beauty
As I toil, your body does sleep
as I work, your eyes don't peek
But rest assured, that upon your wake
My psyche will feel an ache
knowing that i, in my office chair
can't compete with you, in your lair
As I don't get paid to write odes
I'm afraid that I must now go.

I reply:

I woke at nine,
I called my doc,
I got a visit
at two o'clock.

I slept some more,
'till it turned ten,
it's safe to say
I'd do it again.

'Cuz every Wednesday,
Thursday, Fri,
I'm out of bed
at sunrise sky.

Before your lights
are even lit,
before your ass
is wearing pants,
before you yawn
and stretch and stand,
I'm driving to
South Central Land.

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