Sunday, March 19, 2006

lucy's spleen emily? should be my NBF!

These are just a few of the reasons I am currently obsessed with Emily:

  • She made a beautiful vagina box for Valentines day! Just stunning! I want one!
  • She listens to Natacha Atlas!!! Adam's Lullaby!!! The best song I've ever heard in my life that I didn't understand at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody else in the world knows who Natacha Atlas is, except my old roommate who was a belly dancer and my mom's Islamic Studies professor colleague!
  • "I ended up taking pitcures of msyelf for a long time, long enough that I began wondering, "am I VAIN? Cause this makes me question whether or not I am VAIN, when I take all these pictures of myself and I want to keep taking them." But maybe it is not vanity, maybe it is a matter of trying to get the right picture, because none has revealed the true subtlety of your color job yet, and because it is hard taking pictures of yourself in the mirrow and because hey! I dont hate the way I look in thesefor once! Let's take a million of them! Do you know wut I mean? Is it vain or is it no? Is it drunken?"

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