Monday, April 17, 2006

to do in june

  1. paint living room olive green (one wall)
  2. paint dining room yellow (two walls)
  3. paint kitchen pink (one wall)
  4. paint bedroom magenta (one wall, the other walls primed white)
  5. paint my "other" apartment
  6. buy a new cell phone
  7. catch up on all my TV shows I never watched: Sopranos, DeGrassi High, Reno 911 after season one, Arrested Development season two and three, Queer as Folk season five, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Family Guy, etc.
  8. watch "classic" and "great" movies I have also never seen, such as Last of the Mohicans, Braveheart, My Left Foot, Unforgiven, The Color Purple...
  9. fake tanner
  10. eat lots of popsicles
  11. go to the Hollywood Bowl every other day
  12. spend time with my most favorite NPR fan (that's you, baby!)
  13. take walks
  14. balance my checkbook (from January)
  15. PLAN AN ENTIRE YEAR'S WORTH OF CURRICULUM (so exciting, seriously, like a wet dream)
  16. read the stack of books that has been waiting patiently for me since last June

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