Wednesday, August 08, 2007

she had me at "hello"

Actual ad on Craigslist:

Hello. The master bedroom is available in my 2 bedroom, 2 bath culver city apartment. Hardwood floors, large windows, 2 parking spaces, utilities included.

I am a 27 year old female grad student at UCLA. I am in med school and am writing my thesis on the similarities between narcoleptics and epileptics. Since I am a narcoleptic, I just need an epileptic to live with me so I can study their natural everyday life... when they are not seizing.

I'm not looking for a best friend, but I would like someone I can hang out with every now and then. Drink a beer, watch a game, engage in a pissing contest, etc...

Prefer someone that works nights so that I can have rowdy sex with my boyfriend without bothering you... he's usually pretty quiet, I'm not. Also so I can watch you while you sleep during the day.

Bonus if you work at a morgue!!!

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