Monday, October 08, 2007

mangoes and a mom purse

Seriously, I am like the best teacher ever, or else I'm really crazy. Or both. I just chopped up four mangoes for my class' marble jar party tomorrow. They don't really need any treats beyond the privilege of playing board games all afternoon (their prize), but I am such a Jewish Mother type, I just can't have a celebration without food. Plus, we're learning about Costa Rica for Hispanic Heritage Month and they eat a lot of mangoes there, and even more plus they were really cheap at Elat Market. When I bought them, I forgot how much labor is involved in preparing mangoes. For our last marble jar party, I brought in four pounds of grapes and my Social Committee students washed and cut and separated the whole shebang.

For the record, I became a Jewish Mother when I started carrying Tide-To-Go in my purse. (Isn't it aMAZing?!) But don't worry, I haven't lost my edge. There's also condoms and a digital camera. And gum. And a toothbrush and emergency deodorant. And a deck of cards and a sharpie. And Purell. And an orange marker for grading papers on the go. OK, maybe I need to pare down a bit.

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