Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am feeling!

crap I think I just told my college ex-boyfriend that I have a raging crush on him. This while he was asking me to proof his profile for Also two days after having ten orgasm sex with my new boyfriendish. Benja, pretend you didn't read that.

Haley tells me that she loves this about me, that I sometimes blurt out my feelings even if it sounds awkward or completely off topic at the moment. Like how in Palm Springs, we were in bed in the pitch black and he was probably trying to go to sleep, but into the silence I piped up that I wanted him to say something nice about me. This request was met with a great deal of outrage.

I've been on two second dates that went so well that I ended up blurting out, "I really like you!" which was maybe a little surprising to the guys. But it was like dying to be expressed and just exploded out of my mouth.

Today, I was talking with a few girl students who had just switched into my humanities section and they were comparing me to the male teacher they had before. He yells a lot and tends to make fun of kids in public, which while completely hysterical is nonetheless terrible. One girl noted that I don't yell, I just tell them in a regular voice, and the other girl said that actually, I talk a lot, I talk to myself a lot in class. I thought about it and realized she was completely right. Like, I give instructions or explanations and then sort of branch off into a story about myself and keep going until they either laugh or begin working to escape the babble.

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