Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new list of things that are hot

  1. Gmail and all other google-related interests which includes love of the internet.
  2. Frequenting G-chat, which is separate from the above, but which can be substituted for texting, or simply returning phone calls. All three, preferably.
  3. Being a Mac-junkie.
  4. Ability to cook (or at least have food in your fridge).
  5. Thirst for knowledge.
  6. Exercise routine or some form of physical activity.
  7. Ability to express feelings.
  8. Some level of dorkiness, ie: Love of nature shows, computer programming skills, intense attention to politics, knowledge of food chemistry, etc.
  9. Gainful employment.
  10. Abs.


Anonymous said...

I just love your blog! You are so totally my kind of person.

superdeens said...

Thanks, maybe we can be anonymous friends.