Sunday, May 03, 2009

thank god it's almost over

Laryngitis is a really lonely affliction. At first, you don't want to be around other people in case you might be contagious. But at home, it's just as lonely because you can't fucking talk on the phone. And it's not like you can get shit done -- it's not easy to whisper your order to the man behind the counter or get test results back from the nurse by email. I had to cancel my Friday night and Saturday morning plans and decline babysitting the cute cousins. By day four (today), I was ready to shoot myself in the foot, which is why I ended up at maybe-boyfriend's house all afternoon even though I was really mad at him and wanted to prove my point by staying away. I was just too bored.

So we hung out in the jacuzzi and got sunburnt.

Then we had a Talk.

I cried.

My good aunt and uncle straightened me out. (And fed me cookies.)

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