Thursday, August 20, 2009

team jacob

Thank god I am finally done with all of the Twilight books and can get on with my life. I am happy to report that the saga ended satisfyingly, with enough to give me warm thoughts as I fall into bed and no doubt stumble around half asleep tomorrow at work. I have put in about forty man hours with those babies and half of them were at night. I recommend them wholeheartedly to everyone, but just don't start reading until you have emptied your week of children or gainful employment.

I haven't read this much in ever, and I really feel like a better person. I'm talking about the ten books I read over the month plus I was in Australia, plus the four gargantuan vampire novels here in LA. I have overflowing bookcases at home and at work, but for some reason I end up watching movies more than reading. Let this be a sign!

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