Wednesday, September 30, 2009

things I wished when I was in middle school

  1. That my best friend Elisheva would move back from Cleveland, Ohio, and be my best friend again. Oh yes I wore my BeFri necklace those years.
  2. That my roughly same-aged neighbor across the street would fall in love with me and come over and hang out, even though I not once introduced myself or made conversation. I imagined it would happen a'la the teenage protagonists in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids wherein one neighbor spies the other doing something cute (dancing with a broom) and then the next thing you know, they are kissing under a giant blade of grass.
  3. That a tube of deodorant would appear in my bathroom without my having to ask mom about it.
  4. That my parents would just freakin' buy a bar of chocolate for us, seriously, just once. Oranges are not dessert.
  5. That one of my brothers would be a sister.

*Inspired by Coates.

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