Tuesday, November 17, 2009

how do you respect this????

Today, Blackberry coworker came to me about our lunch supervision arrangements. I answered her question. She wondered some more. I answered again. Then she said something that implied she wasn't clear on the whole "duties" part of the arrangement. Annoyed, I asked her if she had read "that email" about lunch supervision.

(The one in which our principal clearly explained that due to a student's broken arm, ALL staff were now on lunch duty every day, and that she and I were specifically on yard and cafeteria duty during those times. An extra teacher was to be supervising a games room at this time as well, but that teacher was SOMEONE ELSE.)

Blackberry looked at me with a straight face and proclaimed that SHE DOESN'T READ THE PRINCIPAL'S EMAILS ANYMORE.

So then of course I got exasperated and Blackberry walked away because I was hurting her feelings.

I know it was this because when she came back several minutes later, it was to accuse me of talking down to her. Me? Talking down to her? Are you fucking kidding me? How does one say that with a straight face? She said it like this: "Why can't you just tell me in a nicer way?" (To which I replied, "It is not my job to tell you what is in your emails.")

Later in the day she sent me an email explaining that she doesn't not read all of them, rather, she selectively ignores emails because she is mad that the principal keeps misspelling her name.

Head on desk...

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