Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking for Alaska

I just read the first half of Looking for Alaska in one sitting. I guess yeah, if you like someone's blog*, you'll probably like their novels. Also, books that get awards tend to be good. I am riveted. (Although slightly disappointed that I cannot recommend this book to any of my pre-teen students. They are a little too young.)

*In the past four weeks, I have read every single post in his archives. His writing significantly improves over time.


Anonymous said...

I have a great new book for you: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. It has all your criteria: murder, ghosts, vamapires, bad men, and a cool graveyard setting. I read it in two days.

superdeens said...

That book looks awesome! Plus it just won the Newbery Award! I'll have to check it out after I finish the pile of eleven books I nicked from school. Thanks for the recommendation.

Anonymous said...

Looking For Alaska just got on my radar too. Would you recommend it for 9th graders?