Saturday, January 23, 2010

lesson delivery methods

I wish someone had given me this list when I first started teaching.

  1. LECTURE (Teacher talks, students listen.)
  2. JIGSAW (Each student group learns a small portion of the lesson, and teaches it back to the rest of the class. Have them make posters, say, as a visual aid.)
  3. INDEPENDENT STUDY (Students read text and take notes on their own.)
  4. DRAWING (Students draw the subject they are studying, including details and labels. This works the best with maps.)
  7. DISCUSSION (Teacher asks questions, students answer them and each other.)
  8. OPEN NOTE QUIZ (Puts the fear of God into them, but students end up really searching for the right information.)
  9. DRAMATIZATION (Assign parts and act out the scene/concept.)
  10. COMIC STRIP (Like a flow chart, but sounds more fun.)
  11. WEB (Students brainstorm and write down everything they know about a subject, making visible connections.)
  12. DICTATION (Teacher talks, students write it all down.)
  13. MOVIE (Discovery Streaming)
  14. MAKE A LIST AND PUT IT IN ORDER (Like making a hierarchy.)
  15. VENN DIAGRAM TO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OBJECT/IDEA (Forces higher level thinking on Bloom's taxonomy.)
  16. CORNELL NOTES (Similar to lecturing and taking notes, but the teacher models what the students should write down.)
  17. PICTORIAL INPUT (Teacher lectures while drawing a related picture. Students are captivated.)
  18. PROJECTS (Students create a project and learn while doing.)
  19. READ ALOUD (If you can find a related book.)

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