Tuesday, July 26, 2005

the maybe date pt. 3

This was such a date, it's not even a maybe.

I arrived and he was freshly showered in jeans and a black shirt. He took me to a cute Italian restaurant with little tables. There was some akward chatting. Then I asked about Peru and made that conversation last the entire meal. He kept mentioning that I could see his pictures at home. When the bill came, I said, "Can I split this with you?" and he definitely refused. When we arrived at his house, I said, "I'm coming inside to see your pictures." I plopped myself down in a chair in the living room. While I looked through his pictures, he moved from the couch to crouching on the floor next to me. When I was done, I announced that I had to go home to do whatever, picked out my leftovers from the bag, and stood up. He tried protesting, but I did a quick Thanks for Dinner, gave him a hug, and got the hell out of Dodge. He stood in the doorway watching as I crossed the dark street and unlocked my car, and then he continued watching in a creepy way as I started it and drove away.

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