Saturday, January 28, 2006

super astelin the nasal spray

This is what allergies feel like:

My nose will be clear but there is a little itch nudging me in the back of my brain. Gradually the itch gets stronger and stronger, until I have to wipe my nose. Then there is the congestion-slash-drippiness. Several tissues later, my nose is still running, and -- wait, there's that itch again. It's getting stronger and stronger, and I think I'm going to sneeze. Sneezing will be a relief. Stronger, stronger, ok, here it comes . . . . . no wait . . . . oh it went away. Shame. Sad. Oh!!! The ITCH!!! I'm about to ---- crap. If only I could sneeze, I could expell whatever is itching. I guess I'll wipe my nose several more times. Oh. Itch. Here is comes. Not that I should be hoping anymore. Ah....Oh.... ATCHOO.

Nice. Thank goodness. Oh crap, now there is a weird sensation in the back of my pins and needles. Pins and needles all down the inside of my mouth. At first it is a light sensation, then it gets harder and harder, and the pins and needles turn in to tiny fingers tickling my throat. I try to scratch, running my tongue up and down and up and down, but it's not very satisfying. Up and down and up and down.

I have to sneeze again. We do the dance, I wait, I look up, I cover my mouth, I sigh in disappointment, I wait two more minutes, and finally sneeze. We repeat the pins and needles sensation. My ears start itching, way inside, farther than I can reach with my finger or a Q tip. I try to smush my earlobe into my head, and that works for a second.


And then, Holy Jesus, I woke up this morning with NO ALLERGY SYMPTOMS. This is truly a miracle. A miracle called Astelin. I'm willing to worship Astelin even though it comes with two annoying side effects. One is a disgusting bitter taste that creeps into my throat several minutes to several hours after the initial sniff. Two is the surprisingly debilitating drowsiness that overtook me last night. I thought first that I was just tired after a long week, but realized I couldn't even focus on Miriam's face while we were talking. I fell into a deep sleep while watching Waking Ned Divine, one of my favorite movies. I never fall asleep during movies.

The thing is, I'm willing to suffer bad taste and somnolence (that's the official word for "tired") because I can medicate with candy and naps. And more importantly, the allergies are gone. Gone. GONE!!

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