Monday, January 02, 2006

the year 2005

Last year started shitty but got better and better

massive rain and flooding - must tow Miriam’s car out of parking spot
home alone for several weeks while girls are out of town
writing UCLA personal essay
Haley’s baby shower
Liz and Dale wedding shower in San Diego
Eileen meeting about Julie
first Shabbat dinner at our apt
Haley has baby Charlie!!! Visit at Cedars
UCLA group interview
bocci in the park with Naomi, Ezra, Irvine kids
Bounce-Out video game with Naomi
LA Fitness
Gian Carlo - Santa Monica pier, Getty, CPK, kissing in parking lot, showing up at TIOH, Sideways
Shabbat at Gwen’s
Vanessa’s bday at World Café, SaMo
Superbowl at Kim’s
gold spray-paint trash project
field trip to Chevron and Hyperion Plants
Arrested Development with Ezra
The Apprentice with Naomi, Ezra
sinus infection and urgent care
Sierra’s zombie movie premier
LOUD Israeli neighbors move in upstairs
Science Center BodyWorld with Sierra
shopping with Ariel and tell-all and Sideways
Doughboys with Abbey’s parents
Ashrei quilt
Sushi Shabbat with Naomi A
Glenda runs the LA marathon
Boba with Naomi and Brigitte
IHOP brunch to discuss Road Rascals
dance battle at Lincoln middle school
20-something group at TIOH
Gwen’s baby bris
Liz & Dale wedding
Road Rascals meeting at the Conway’s house and American Idol in HDTV
Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy with Miriam and Abbey
KidBid lasagna dinner at my apt
Glenda’s bday party
Moby release party at W with Sierra
art field trip to Peterson - found porn
Costco with Benja
brunches with Tova
watching The OC with Glenda, Ezra, Naomi
Road Rascals RV trip to Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria
Brigitte bday at Level One
talking to Ronen again
going out to clubs with Benja
visit Nicole in Laguna
visit Haley at her new house in Fullerton
plans with Jeremy for coffee and Pesach meal
Bartending certificate
Barbara H shiva
meeting with Abbey’s maybe nanny family in BevHills
Bat Mitzvah tutoring Olivia and Zoe B
Ariel’s bday Jackie Chan movie
Big Sunday at Hyde Park Elementary
Abbey leaves for Israel all summer
Gala wedding shower and rumballs
Nicole sublets!!!!!!!!
Sacramento field trip
Danielle G bday at Citywalk
going upstairs for Shabbat dinner/dessert
Sascha BBQ with Nicole, Crash movie with crazy Shimon
Brigitte BBQ and pool party
tutor Sam and Molly M in the Palisades
tutor Jason M
family Shabbat dinner with gay colleagues
Angel Chorus concert with Misha and Esther B
maybe Costa Rica with Sierra
Ethiopian food with Naomi
Venice Beach and rollerblading with Sierra
crafts with Glenda at the Tehrani’s cool house
The OC with Glenda and brother Darren
painting room blue with Glenda, Naomi Abelson, Bailey
garage sale-ing with Miriam - buy chest and chaise lounge
subbing Camp Simcha with Ariel - Runyan Canyon, fire station, tie-dye
Sierra’s crazy play
Alyssa sublets, clubbing
July 4th Drop-In at Roxbury Park with Nicole
Pool at Qs with Nicole, Scott, Melinda, Spooner
tutor Sarah S in Venice
tutor Andie in Mar Vista
Planned Parenthood and green health card
TukTuk dinner with Wade, Alyssa PJ party, hot-tub with Wade
Visitor’s Day at Ramah
health information and immunizations
party at Nicole and Spooners
Yom Meyuchad at Ramah with Nicole and Laurie
Cabana Club with Benja and Alyssa
tutor Jason K
Rosa’s goodbye party at Falcon Club
cover couch in blue velvet
Jack & Jills brunch with Hayley L
Beliak takes me on an ambush date
UCLA paperwork and fingerprints
camping at Leo Carillo with mom and Esther B
Wedding Crashers with Hillary on her day off
King Tut at LACMA
Mammoth with Jew Crew and stay in Lanz’s cabin
bowling with Aaron and girlfriend Rachel
tutor Jackson and all his amphibious pets
PERU with Wade
Mercer Bnei Mitzvah at WBT
switch kitchen to Kosher
UCLA orientation, Inner City Arts
awful visit to Wade in Irvine
B girls' Bat Mitzvah at Camp Hess Kramer
big party at our house
brunch at Sheila’s house
Lost with Jew Crew
carpooling with Sasha
MOCA Basquiat with Jerm
Melinda’s Avon party
Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre with daddy
breakfast at Betty’s, Rebecca’s
Emily bday at Cathy’s
Sierra’s martini bday in West Hollywood
Shabbat Club
Squid and the Whale with Jerm, The Office, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Yoga Booty Ballet with Sasha
Zach and Shoshana Simchat Torah party
Halloween in West Hollywood with Melinda and Abbey, Hayley’s party
my birthday dinner with Shabbat Club
my birthday clubbing at Carbon
my birthday family lunch at Natalie Thai
making brownies and cookies and cake and goodies for birthdays with Sasha
Fake Thanksgiving with family and Abbey and Rachel
Muliticultural Day at TIOH
southern comfort Shabbat Club
Tova bday at the Mor Bar and J
Prey with Abbey, Miriam, her brother
Jerm bday at World Café
Chevrei Ramah meetings
UCLA Awaken a capella concert
Jerm, J, J
La Noche de Expresion at Eva’s, laundry with Jerm
Memoirs of a Geisha with Miriam at the ArcLight
Knitting Factory with Jerm and all the Milken people
Brokeback Mountain with Mummy
IKAR with Melinda, Ezra’s bday and meeting The Others
Crafting with Tova - mini magnets
Haley Christmas party
Metro day with Naomi and Mag - Olvera St, Cathedral, Old Town Pas, Chinatown
Rachel S in-laws Hannukah party
New Years Thai dinner with Jerm, Judd, Tova, party at Margaret’s

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