Friday, February 10, 2006

hukt on foniks

Pretty much the only thing Open Court Reading has going for it are these fabulous Alphabet Sound Wall Cards. Each card represents a letter of the alphabet, and has a picture that truly represents each phoneme that letter can produce. For example, the A card has a lamb, to represent the short a sound. The B card has a ball, C has a camera, etc. During OCR Training, my partner-in-crime Chris and I decided to create a new set of ABC cards, one whose pictures are better examples of our crazy language and more representative of the day-to-day life our students lead. (If you have to ask what any of these mean, you are clearly not from the barrio, nor are you in touch with today's youth.)

A - tap that ass
B - butherface
C - cancer (See how these are better? Both the hard C and the soft C sound are represented.)
D - dirty sanchez
E - heavy petting (Two spelling patterns represented.)
F - fo shizzle, my nizzle
G - ganga (Both hard and soft Gs.)
H - hippie
I - pimp
J - jack daniels
K - cock
L - lovely lady lumps (Alliteration.)
M - melons
N - ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall
O - johnson
P - pearl necklace
Q - quickie
R - Rodriguez, Ricardo, Ramirez, Raul, Rosa
S - sausage (Here we borrow OCR's S card, because it rocks.)
T - titty twister
U - drugs
V - vag
W - whiskey
X - Xtasy
Y - Jagermeister (Sometimes a word begins with a sound made by another letter. Crazy English.)
Z - zebra

SH - shut up, woman!
TH - thong (As in flip-flops. Get your filthy mind out of the gutter.)
CH - chud

1 comment:

Mathew said...

Oh, and there are great great powerpoints online that you can use for free.