Wednesday, March 08, 2006

auto flush

I wish I had written this arguement. So relevant, so convincing, so obvious. I had one of these experiences the other day at UCLA, where the toilet flushed three times while I was sitting down, and then refused to flush when I stood up. And then I couldn't wash my hands. When I finally found a faucet that worked, the water came out with Niagra force, wetting the entire bottom of my shirt.

The Crappiest Invention of All Time: Why the auto-flushing toilet must die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we can all survive with the old fasioned garbage-can-at-the-entrance trick.

flush with your foot, turn tap on, wash, pump the paper towel with your elbow, and open the door with the paper towel. Then throw it out in the garbage which is outside the door.

sigh, if only more people put the bin outside the door.

Oh and when you are drunk, it's almost impossible to not have the toilet flush in your face while hurling.