Friday, November 24, 2006

break up quotes

I don't really have any secrets. I pretty much tell everybody everything. Including all the details of my personal life, things that are not always appropriate to share, or things that are not of the slightest interest to the listener. But I do anyways. And then I get feedback. Like:

  • My mother, who has listened to every single detail of this ordeal and can therefor set me straight when I twist the story in my head: "You didn't do anything wrong. You did everything right. What fault do you have? That you're not telepathic?"
  • Sophie, who is the best cheerleader in the world: "I don't understand! What do you mean, he broke up with you? I don't get it!" And then, when I try to explain that I don't know anything, that it came out of the blue, that I have as many details as she, "I just don't get it! Who would ever break up with you?!"
  • Abbey, on the phone from Israel: "I am . . . [stuttering pause] . . . flummoxed! Is that the word? I'm pretty sure that's the right word. I think that's what I mean."
  • Benja: "I told Mommy that if you guys get back together I'm going to write Jerm a really mean letter about how he can never hurt you again, and she said, 'Step in line.'"

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