Sunday, November 05, 2006

happy birthday to me

new sheets! (boy-free and all mine, all chocolatey browny and stripey mine!)
new books! (used! but new to me!)
new plants! (because the aphids killed my classroom flowers!)
throat spray! (genius!)
new clothes! (brown!)
new pajamas!
mix CDs! (regina spektor! busta rhymes!)
microwaveable slippers!
english muffin pizzas!
scategories! (dirty scategories!)
thai food! (as opposed to indonesian food!)

my own personal Groundlings troupe performing "David Shahar's Nasty Wart" in my living room!


24 has so far been the best. It started off very promising, and just kept on delivering, just kept on getting better and better. I was in heaven for most of the year. I thought I had everything I've ever wanted. I was happy beyond the moon. Sadly, 24 ended with kind of a thud! and a splat! and a big explosion of shit all over the floor. 24 ended the opposite of how it started. Which means that 25 is starting from the very bottom, which means that 25 holds a lot of secrets and mysteries and untold stories and potential, which means that 25 can only get better and better and better and better.

And I know this is true, I know it in my heart, even though it's not showing right now. I know I have lots of adventures and parties and laughing and hugs and snuggles just around the corner. I know that my struggles will get easier and easier, and I believe my fortune cookie tonight that says I will "bring sunshine into someone's life." I know I will bring sunshine into more than just one someone's life, because I am smiley and bright and funny and creative and caring and thoughtful and colorful. I am all that and more. I'm 25!

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