Wednesday, December 13, 2006

been laughing

I just saw the best thing on TV, a commercial for Extras, that Ricky Gervais thing that I've never seen but tell people is funny, and he's standing there talking to a woman, trying to impress her really, and he suavely gestures to make a point, but in his hand is a bottle of sparkling water, and then while still speaking he opens the bottle, only it starts exploding all over the place, SO HE STICKS IT IN HIS MOUTH. I guess he was at a loss as to what to do, but IT'S STILL EXPLODING AND HE STICKS THE TOP OF THE BOTTLE IN HIS MOUTH SO HIS CHEEKS GET ALL EXPLODY. !!! His face, it is a mixture of I'm Cool This Happens All The Time with Fuck Now What, and a little bit of Yes I Completely Agree With What You Just Said See Nothing Happened We're Still Having A Fascinating Conversation added in.

Does no one else find this absolutely hilarious? I swear, I jumped up off the couch to write this down I thought it was so great.

It totally reminds me of Rachelle, on our Thailand trip, when we were perusing a display of wooden phallic good luck charms, and she mimed giving a blow job. We all tried to hide our glee/embarrassment in front of the natives, but later Rachelle admitted that she saw it and just instinctively put it in her mouth.

Also, today, in the middle of a game of Around the World, one of my students sat on the lap of another student by mistake and it was HILARIOUS and I couldn't stop laughing. This sounds like another one of my stories that I crack up at before I finish telling and the punch line is just so not funny no one else gets it, but they all laugh anyways because I'm hysterical like an idiot over this image in my head. So let me give some details: Totally unfocused, out-to-lunch student, we'll call her Shmynna, she never ever knows what is going on around her (or two feet in front of her, which is where I stand, hoping to get one eighth of her attention). Then there's the new kid from El Salvador, we'll call him Shmoises, he speaks Spanish to himself most of the time because the rest of us are learning how to write multi-paragraph compositions, but he can play this game because he can do math and I understand numbers. He won the round and everyone is clapping and waiting for him to move on to the next kid, only he doesn't get it and sits down in his chair instead, just seconds before Shmynna sits down in that same chair. I'm trying to quiet everyone down so we can continue the game but the two of them are LAFFING with heads rolled back and arms sort of flaying around, and Shmynna laughs through her hiccups that she "sat on top of him!" like it is the FUNNIEST thing that has EVER happened to her, and after a beat I join them because it is freaking funny. And they're kids, and they do silly things, and we should laugh about it.

Speaking of, did you know that rats run ass fast?

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