Saturday, January 06, 2007

Moses and Bill shoot the shit

An imagined conversation between Moses (of Biblical fame) and Bill Bryson, written by myself and fellow third grader teacher friend Sophie, during a workshop at last month's pointless UCLA seminar:

Moses: Have you ever been in the desert?

Bill: Oh yes - I spent two weeks in the central desert of Australia. Bloody vast. Terribly hot.

Moses: I can imagine! I and many others spent time in the desert between Egypt and Canaan. We needed many things to survive . . . food, shelter. What did you take with yourself as you traveled?

Bill: And of course I can imagine the transportation troubles you must have had. Crossing borders in the Middle East -- not a simple feat! I always take with me a single change of clothes, basic toilet necessities, and of course, my journal. This way I only have a single knapsack to remember. What do you carry?

Moses: Middle East? This land is all I know. Is there a beginning, or End, a West? Just this land. My people brought with them their goods -- wheat, grains, fruit, valuables like gold. Oh and of course, animals like mules and camels to help carry the load. As for me, all I needed was a robe my mother made and a staff. This was more than we could ask for. The food fell from the sky! It was wonderful!

Bill: You wore a robe while travelling? Doesn't leave a lot of pocket space for wallet, passport, camera, and such, does it? Is it a special robe from an outdoor apparel store or something? Pray tell.

Moses: It suited all needs. He was sure of that. A passport? What is this for? To pass. No, I led, but I was not permitted to pass.

Bill: I''m sorry -- I'm not certain we are talking about the same thing. Who is "He" ?

Moses: Oh vey! Another who doesn't believe! Listen, the plagues are done. Ignorance is fine, but don't object to Him.

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