Tuesday, March 20, 2007

anal retentive aesthetics

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but apparently I am a super, huge deal at work. On Tuesday afternoon, the entire staff met in my room for our faculty meeting. This meant that not only did I have to make things look impressive and presentable, I also had to give mini tour of the class to the rest of the teachers. This is A LOT of pressure for a first year teacher, to have all these veterans checking out my walls. Luckily, I am somewhat (completely) picky about how things look, and so my room is already beautiful and labeled and appropriate. But still, stress. The meeting and tour was successful, and I got major props from the principal and A.P.

Then on Wednesday, we had a cohort of principals from the district visit our school. My A.P. told me beforehand that they were going to visit my classroom because it looks so great. !!! Pachotch!!! They were going to look closely at my walls and bookcases and displays and scrutinize everything! Like, is this person fit to teach small children? (Definitely.) Does this teacher have any idea what she is doing? (Somewhat.) Is she doing a good job? (According to her bulletin boards, yes.) The suits came and went, and lucky for me, we had guest visitors for Career Day during the visit, so I myself wasn't actually on display, just my walls. I got many, many compliments. Super ego boost.

THEN, today the principal tells us that there is to be a group of Assistant Principals visiting our school tomorrow. They will be walking through my class, led by the DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT. The DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, my principal informed me, has chosen to ADOPT my classroom. And is therefor going to be showing me off tomorrow while I teach. Seriously! My classroom is adopted! I have no idea what that means!! But it must be good, because no one adopts something they don't like! I must be awesome!

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