Sunday, June 10, 2007


You know how I had that big hole in my closet after the shitbag landlord knocked out a part of the wall and refused to fix it? Well, yesterday a little mouse came out of it and ran around the kitchen and pooped all over the floor and scratched at the walls so hard that it woke me up at two thirty in the morning.

I took refuge at my parent's house.

Today, after a friendly phone call from me and a threatening phone call from my mother, the landlord dropped by to haphazardly sprinkle rat poison around our apartment. Instead of actually calling an exterminator or sealing the holes in my closet. So now we have to wash every dish in the kitchen, launder all of my clothes, and hope and pray that this useless man brings a professional around some time this week. Before the mouse visits again. And brings his friends.

I'm filing a complaint with the Housing Bureau tomorrow.

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