Monday, June 25, 2007

the plane ride

I would like to preface this post by telling you how insanely hard it has been to find internet here in Holland. For no good reason. I mean, this is a huge travel destination, right? It took thirty minutes of fruitless searching for an internet cafe in Amsterdam (around the main tourist section) before giving up and going to bed. I'm now typing in Harlaam, a tiny little town several miles west, where there are two (2!) internet places within a half mile of both the train station and the main square.

The plane ride to Europe was pretty uneventful, which I guess as far as plane rides go, is a good thing. In the security line, we passed through a "Passenger Reassembling Area" where you can put your shoes back on after the x-ray. Quite a lofty title for what amounted to three chairs pushed up against the wall. Our plane from Los Angeles to Houston was made by Rolls Royce, which made me supremely impressed, and, I'm not afraid to admit, a little proud. I've never ridden in such a fine vehicle on the road, but now I have brand name claim in the air. Although I have to say, it was seriously the SQUISHIEST flight I've ever been on. The seats were so close together, I couldn't even lean down to reach my backpack at my feet. Neither I nor my mother could cross our legs, and that is saying a lot. My mom is five - one. Obviously the plane food sucked, for example, the "salad" which really just consisted of lettuce. Just lettuce, not even a few shreds of carrots or a single cherry tomato, just a plastic bowl full of lettuce. Luckily the lettuce came with Ranch dressing, so I ate that.

I napped a little and read a little and watched the saddest movie ever without the sound: Bridge to Terebithia. I read the book in fifth grade and then again in college for a kiddie lit class, and I still can't believe people recommend it to children. Who wants to read about !!!SPOILER!!! a little girl who dies? I watched this movie without sound and I still cried all over the ending.

Also, at one point, something dropped on my foot and I recoiled as though being bit by a snake. Nothing hurt, I just thought it was a mouse. On the airplane. See how much my shitty landlord is affecting my life? Turns out it was a milk dud, dropped by the passenger in front of me.

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