Wednesday, November 14, 2007

first impressions count

Today, my dad visited my classroom to say hi and to teach them the Channukah song we will be performing for our Holiday Program. It is my goal to have every single person I know come watch me teach at some point this year. I'm three for seventy so far.

My dad has a pretty full head of hair that is mostly white. It's straight and a little bit overgrown, kinda sticking out a bit at the tips. He also wears a bow-tie. He has glasses. When he walked into the classroom, I had turned off all the lights to calm the kiddies down. I started to introduce him when a hand shot up in the front of the class. It was Andrew, one of my favorite students to watch because is pudgy and not totally coordinated. He is also super smart and very mischievous. When he speaks, he smiles.

"His hair," he began, pointing at my dad's white coif, "his hair looks like a genius!"

1 comment:

Mimi said...

OMG!!! I love it!!!