Sunday, December 09, 2007

I heart weekends

Whew! I just finished my first concert season as a soprano! It's been a lot a lot a lot of work, but very rewarding. I love singing. I love music. The people in my choir are fun and crazy and full of life. I've been afraid of adults pretty much my whole life. Seeing this group of alta-cockers act immature and silly made me realize that adults are just children in old bodies. We had men pulling out chairs from beneath their friends, women ringing bells by jiggling their boobs, jokes about reindeer poop, and LOUD ENTHUSIASM for snacks. This group gets excited when the word "chocolate" is mentioned. Fifty-year old folks swarm to the kitchen like buzzards.

Yesterday we did the Tour of Hope, traveling around LA in a bus, singing to various shelters and organizations. It was exhausting. We had a big dinner at the end and I think I made friends with some of the younguns in the group. Also, I am enamored of two members who make me laugh every time I see them. One of them came to dinner dressed in a green shiny chambermaid costume.

I went to sleep at nine-thirty and didn't wake up until noon. That's FOURTEEN AND A HALF HOURS. I don't think I've slept that much EVER.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Sleep should never be over-rated.