Thursday, December 06, 2007

in which I slept eleven hours every night and did not have sex

Thanksgiving round-up, two weeks late:
  1. I watched season three of Arrested Development. And all the special features. Plus the commentary on several episodes. There really is nothing funnier. This is the be-all, end-all of sitcoms. Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.
  2. I went shopping and bought lots of shirts.
  3. I also bought an electric pencil sharpener.
  4. I obsessed a lot about the boy who isn't calling me, either because he is out of town or because he is a NON KISSER (what the fuck, who doesn't like to kiss?). Then I admitted said obsession to several friends, including the guy I've been sleeping with for the past seven months, and he offered to come over and make out with me. Sweet, right? Wrong! Doing the right thing sucks!

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