Friday, March 27, 2009

the most tiring Friday ever

Some things I have been up to today include browsing the internets for mp3s of my new favorite artist, Juana Molina. Go download all her free songs right now, because she is that awesome.

Also I went to a very fun Shabbat dinner with my brother and we cooked a unique rice dish. I mean, we found a neat recipe but then substituted both the main ingredient and secondary ingredient and then added a third ingredient, and since the dish only had four ingredients to begin with, I guess you could say we MADE IT UP. (Rice, dried cherries, chopped mint, honey, and orange zest since you asked so nicely.)

But before all of that, I had a busy, BUSY school day because two of the four teachers were home with strep throat. Two of four is HALF. Two teachers, seventy-five hormonal sixth-graders. Plus we had a field trip scheduled. We held an impromptu town meeting, split the kids in half for three periods, and then went to LACMA with the help of some very generous parents. After LACMA, we were so wiped that we just showed them a really boring video about the fall of the Roman Empire and I believe several kids may have fallen asleep. More power to them.

Do I even need to mention that every fifteen minutes I swallowed very consciously and tried to detect the presence of streptococcus bacterium. And that when I arrived at work in the morning, I Clorox Wiped every single door handle and light switch.

So far, so good.

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