Thursday, March 26, 2009

this shit is hilarious

2:55 p.m. - I'm back. Barbara Cargill is talking. She is saying once again, as she often does, that she has a science degree, she has taught science, and she wants the best science taught in Texas public schools. Then without a breath she said, "and that's why we want the strengths and weaknesses of evolution taught." The current speaker, whom I came in upon, was in favor of that, too. Their argument is that presenting more information to students rather than less is good for education. They neglect to say that presenting false information to students is a pretty bad and uneducational policy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I teach at a Catholic high school and most of my staff agrees with you. What's up with this conservative religious crap? By the way, Catholics believe in evolution, it's the crazy, right-wing Christians that don't ... thought I'd just point that out.