Wednesday, September 16, 2009

co-teaching is more than sharing a room

I feel like last year I was co-parenting this adorable little child with my partner. We were pretty much on the same page about stuff, and we talked about how to raise our child A LOT, so even though he did things slightly different than I, we were on the same program so that I could step in for him and he could step in for me and the outcome would be the same. If I were sick or tired, or he were sick or tired, we covered for each other.

Then all of a sudden, I had ten more children and got divorced and now I'm dealing with the step-mom and shared custody. There is no helping each other out, there is no substituting during "my" or "her" time, there is really no crossover. Sure, we talk about parenting from time to time, but then she does her thing and I do mine. So I have more kids, but less time and less support.

I hate it.

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