Saturday, January 30, 2010

she smite him, dead he lay, she hit him with a tent pin and he fell down dead

This morning I went to shul randomly because I happened to wake up early and I happened to have a conversation last night about meeting Jewish guys at shul and I happened to be feeling guilty about not doing anything religious in a long while. When I got there I was not really feeling it and being uncomfortable because I recognized a lot of the faces in there but didn't really know anyone. Like, I think a handful of people had been at our parties on Reeves.

So then the torah reading finishes and Hillel, my old bat mitzvah tutor, who also happens to be a leader/cantor there, he turns to me and asks if I want to do the haftarah. Totally weird, I make a face and say no. Because that's not the kind of thing you do on the fly. But then he tells me that it's Beshalach, my portion, and do I remember what a long freaking haftarah I had. Yes, I remember the pages and pages. No, I'm not going to sing it. But awesome coincidence! Bizarre that today of all days I felt compelled to go to shul. And at Ikar, of all places, where my teacher actually remembered that that was me.

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