Sunday, December 25, 2005

balancing the checkbook

This morning, after an incredibly long two-hour breakfast and Elle magazine catch up, I balanced my checkbook. For some reason, this task takes me HOURS. I use Quicken, which is a fun little computer toy that makes inputing receipts and reconciling bank statements really exciting. Seriously. But it still takes me years, perhaps because I read every grocery list fully before typing it in. Also I make little piles on my desk of special records -- what to split with roommates (household and alcohal), medical bills to get reimbursed, etc. And then because I am anal, I staple all the receipts to the statement, file that, and then print and file the Quicken report seperately. This is all because of a story I heard from a coworker whose suitcase was lost during travel, but was reimbursed by the airline two thousand dollars when she provided receipts of the missing clothing.

Balancing four months worth of receipts has yeilded some interesting memories, including:
  • That time in August when I was making money. Sigh...
  • That time in Peru when I got a counterfeit 100 note
  • That time in September when gas was $2.96 a gallon FOR THE CHEAP KIND
  • Before school started when we had a heat wave and I walked to Ralphs to buy a twenty-four count box of popsicles (and sixty dollars cash) which I finished after two days
  • That time I went crazy at Gap and bought fourteen silk ribbons because they were pretty and on sale, but it was so worth it because as I was standing in line with the bunch dripping from my hand, the lady behind me asked if I was a stylist.
  • Starting up Yoga Booty Ballet again with Sasha
  • Why is my printer paper half an inch longer than my bank statement paper?

Ahhh, the holidays. All that vacation really gives you time to reflect on your year.

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