Tuesday, June 12, 2007

surely the last in a horrifying series of events?

You know how on TV shows there's always that one character who is forever having things happening to him/her because they ran out of storylines, like Kelly Taylor on 90210 who was burnt - shot - raped - nose jobbed - druggie - pregnant? I feel that that has been my life this year. I guess twenty-five was the season where they ran out of nice plot twists and had to go for the melodramatic punches.

Episode 1: Three best friends move away. Spend the entire summer job hunting. Get hired the day before school starts.

Episode 2: Turns out new roommate is a bitchy psycho!

Episode 3: I lose my job.

Episode 4: Boyfriend breaks up with me. I turn twenty-five. (November sweeps)

Episode 5: I get the stomach flu. And a cold. And then another cold. And then laryngitis.

Episode 6: Car dies. Landlord knocks out closet wall to fix bathroom plumbing. Hole in wall remains.

Episode 7: Sinus infection, strep throat, and a cold. A visit to the emergency room. Go through three doses of antibiotics, four boxes of tissues, and an entire bottle of extra strength Tylenol in one month.

Episode 8: The trip to New York. The friend I go to visit stops talking to me as soon as I leave.

Episode 9: The One Night Stand (the first positive plot point in months) and the mouse problem.

Season finale: Parents announce they are getting divorced.

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